sea animals (2023)
sea animals How dolphins swim? Dolphins swim to the surface to save the energy created by the friction of the water with the underwater body. Dolphins swim to the surface on their own to better acclimate to their surroundings. They also use …
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How to make a glass animal?
glass animals How to make a glass animal? 1992: The chandelier, from the humble but mid-decade, has a profusion of glass spheres and shapes that look like flowers in some pieces, breasts in others, and snakes in others. Chihuly also produced…
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nocturnal animals
nocturnal animals nocturnal animals don’t need to sleep. In fact, many animals are active at night. This includes insects, rodents, and other small animals. However, there are also some larger animals that are active at night. These include …
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Pet Supplies, Accessories and Products
Pet Supplies, Accessories and Products Find the best pet accessories for your unique dog: These are our most popular dog and cat pet products, everything from harnesses and harnesses to pet cameras and treats. Every pet is different, so we…
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the secret life of pets !!
the secret life of pets A pet is a friend, a companion and a source of comfort and joy. They can help you stay healthy and can help you to feel calm and happy when you're alone. Many people love having pets- but some people hate having…
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the desert fish flub social cues-After eons of isolation
https://as2.ftcdn.net/v2/jpg/05/18/45/77/1000_F_518457784_ALCpKiWVVT4WWTNDxNhMd5OCokd0qppC.jpg Desert fish flub social cues from water regularly, and instead live in the harsh, arid environm…
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‘Wonderful nets’ protect dolphin and whale brains during dives
https://as2.ftcdn.net/v2/jpg/01/01/47/13/1000_F_101471392_kjl4qdYMWXnCDm0cXZHRnekwU3YwLdFv.jpg ‘Wonderful nets’ protect dolphin and whale brains during dives The dive of a dolphin or whale …
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Animal populations experience average -report reveals (2023)
https://as2.ftcdn.net/v2/jpg/05/32/48/99/1000_F_532489991_mv5YaG665gHLfrklv4YZSc3JWzcElOI4.jpg Earth’s wildlife populations have plunged by an average of 69% in just under 50 years, accordi…
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what dangerous desert animals are in Texas?(attention)
what dangerous desert animals are in Texas? Texas has its share of venomous animals . Between snakes , scorpions, and tiger you’ll want to be aware of which animals in Texas could cause the mo…
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what dangerous animals are in united states?
what dangerous animals are in united states The United States harbors some of the world's most dangerous wildlife. Some of these animals are naturally dangerous due to their appearance, …
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What animals are scary?--the reasons(2023)
What animals are scary? Many people find animals to be fascinating, and many of them have written books about them. One of the most common subjects for a book about animals is scary animals.…
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Happy Animal Facts --It will make you amazed!!
Happy Animal Facts ---You Smile Animals have many unique qualities that make them unique from other living creatures. They're found in many different habitats and have many different beh…
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Pets be a source of joy for people!!!
https://as1.ftcdn.net/v2/jpg/04/81/32/08/1000_F_481320874_0ySypkY4mZYl4jEmCOGXMbPgVhocmw2t.jpg Many people love their pets dearly. They consider their pets part of the family. They take care of their pets and treat them well. In return, pet…
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6 viviparous fish: examples and characteristics
If we asked the readers what their first pet was, surely many of them would answer that it was a fish. Among the most chosen aquarium fish as pets are Guppies, Platys, Xiphos and Mollys. …
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Nudibranchs: species and characteristics
One of the most colorful animals on the seabed are the nudibranchs. There are many different colors and shapes, hence they receive names such as sea bunny, dancers or sea dragons. If you want to know more about these beautiful animals, k…
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Parrotfish: characteristics, habitat, feeding and reproduction
Marine ecosystems are intricate environments where organisms interact with their environment and where each living being has a purpose. Have you ever wondered how sand is formed? It could…
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Sperm whale: characteristics, food and habitat
Cetaceans are mammalian animals, more closely related to us than to fish, and that have been able to adapt to peculiar aquatic conditions in response to environmental pressures. Since anci…
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