Cetaceans are mammalian animals, more closely related to us than to fish, and that have been able to adapt to peculiar aquatic conditions in response to environmental pressures. Since ancient times, cetaceans have intrigued man due to their large size, among which the sperm whales top the list, or due to their scientific name, physeterids. In this EcologíaVerde article we talk about where the sperm whale lives and what it feeds on, as well as the differences that separate it from whales. Read on to find out all about the sperm whale, its characteristics, feeding and habitat!
What is a sperm whale and its characteristics
sperm whales they are marine cetacean mammals. Even so, it should be noted that the sperm whale is not a whale. They differ from other cetaceans because they have a very large, rounded foreheadand by its very small and retracted lower jaw.
They also have very particular characteristics that separate them not only from whales but also from other cetaceans such as dolphins, narwhals, belugas and porpoises. Some of the most outstanding characteristics of sperm whales are:
- They have a hydrodynamic body and the limbs modified into fins: with which they can skillfully move in the water. They do not have hind legs, but are instead modified into horizontal fins for propulsion. They have a dorsal fin.
- Their skin it is hairless: unlike mammals, and under it they have thick layers of fat with which they fight the cold of deep waters.
- They have a organ filled with an oily substance: It’s called sperm, which is what makes his forehead look so big. The function of this organ is to function as a ballast when diving to great depths and being able to go down at high speed.
- Are from grayish to brown color: there are cases of albinism, and there is even the albino sperm whalewhich was the one that inspired the famous Moby Dick from the novel written by Herman Melville.
- They can dive to great depths Y for prolonged times: this is thanks to the fact that they can store oxygen in muscle tissues. To take in air they need to come to the surface and breathe through their spiracle, which are the modified nostrils positioned on the back. These pits are asymmetrical and their spiracle only opens on the left side.
Currently there are three species of sperm whale:
- Physeter catodon or shallot: It has extremely wrinkled skin, is 11 to 20 meters long and is the largest toothed animal that exists. They have a proportionally sized brain, with them being listed as the animal with the largest brain. They are very long-lived and can live up to 70 years of age.
- kogia breviceps or pygmy sperm whale: It measures just 2.7 to 3.4 meters long, and in fact it is one of the smallest cetaceans that exists. It lives in very deep tropical and temperate waters. It is difficult to warn and is known for stranding on beaches.
- kogia chasm or dwarf sperm whale: around 3 meters and is also difficult to spot.
Although we mention the small sperm whales so that you can get to know them, we will be focusing on P. cathodon from now on.

sperm whale habitat
The shallot lives in fully marine environments. It is also a cosmopolitan species and can live both in temperate waters and in tropical seas, from pole to pole. On the other hand, they like to live in deep water and near sea canyons. In certain areas they can be seen near the coasts.
Sperm Whale Feeding
The sperm whale has ability to echolocate, which is a way of emitting sound and receiving sound waves back to interpret what is happening in its environment. With this echolocation they can hunt at great depths of up to 3 kilometers where light is scarce.
mainly eat squid and fishin addition to being classified as the largest predators in the world. According to their size, the squid they hunt are mainly the giants of the genus Architeuthis.
A curiosity of the feeding techniques of the sperm whale is that it can emit loud clicking sounds to stun its prey. Are top predators, this means that there are no animals that feed on them. Harassment by killer whales can sometimes occur.
It is worth mentioning that P. cathodon is vulnerable to disappear by intense poaching by men, who are a real threat to them. In the past, they were hunted to obtain the sperm, which was used as bait for the manufacture of all kinds of articles such as candles or soaps.
Now that you know where the sperm whale lives and what it feeds on, let’s focus on knowing the type of reproduction it practices.
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sperm whale reproduction
At this point we are going to see how the sperm whale reproduces. The breeding season of the sperm whale is between mid-winter and mid-summer. Although they reach sexual maturity between 8 and 10 years, in the case of females, and 10 years, in the case of males, it is not until they are approximately 25-27 years old when they begin to reproduce.
The females give birth to a single sperm whale. In addition, the reproductive cycle is every 4-6 years and only has a young once every 4 or 20 years. This means that the number of sperm whales is really low. It should be noted that these animals are polygamous and that, to decide which of them copulates with the female, the males face each other.
The gestation period lasts between 14 and 16 months. In addition, once they have their young, the females nurse them until they are 2 years old. Finally, they have a life expectancy of up to over 70 years.
Sperm Whale Behavior
The sperm whales form matriarchal societies. This means that women form groups. In these, the females are in charge of bringing up the newborn pups and the young. As they grow they become independent. Adult males are solitary.
Sperm whales are very supportive and, when they perceive danger, the females group together to protect defenseless specimens such as juveniles or sick sperm whales.
We tell you more cases about Alpha Females: characteristics and examples in the following EcologíaVerde article.

Difference Between Sperm Whale and Whale
As we have seen at the beginning of this article, sperm whales they are not the same as whales. Both belong to the marine mammals called cetaceans, but are distinguished by the following characteristics:
- the beards: Whales are those cetaceans that have baleen with which they filter food from the water. They make up the mysticete group. In contrast, sperm whales belong to the odontocetes, or toothed cetaceans.
- The family: Now, the term whale strictly refers to the Balenidae family, while sperm whales belong to the Physeteridae.
- feeding: Sperm whales are active predation feeders, while whales are plankton filter feeders.
- morphology: Sperm whales are also distinguished by having a huge forehead, while whales have an elongated face.
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