what dangerous desert animals are in Texas?(attention)


what dangerous desert animals are in Texas?

Texas has its share of venomous animals. Between snakes, scorpions, and tiger you’ll want to be aware of which animals in Texas could cause the most harm:

Snakes: Rattlesnakes have a bad reputation, but there are other venomous snakes. There are four types of venomous snakes in Texas. Rattlesnakes include the Western Massaga Rattlesnake, Spotted Rock Rattlesnake, Black-tailed Rattlesnake, Mojave Rattlesnake, Timber Rattlesnake, and Western Diamondback Rattlesnake. Other venomous snakes are coral snakes, pit vipers (copperheads), and cottonmouths (sometimes called sambar). There are approximately 7,000-8,000 venomous snakebites in the United States each year, but only 5 are fatal on average. If you've been bitten by a snake, it's best to see a doctor, as medical facilities in the United States carry antivenom.

Scorpions: The most venomous scorpion in the United States is the Arizona bark scorpion, which is not found in Texas. There are other scorpions that can bite, but according to Texas Parks and Wildlife, there are no medically dangerous scorpion species in Texas. There are other scorpions, but they can bite, according to Texas Parks and Wildlife 
there are not medically dangerous scorpion species in Texas. If you do get bit by a scorpion you can apply ice to ease the pain and watch to make sure the person doesn’t have an allergic reaction in which they would need to seek immediate medical attention.

Spiders: There are two species of spiders in Texas, the black widow and the brown recluse. If you think you have been bitten by one of these spiders, be sure to see your doctor. While spider bites are rarely fatal, they can cause allergic reactions and can be more dangerous for young children and the elderly.
