Happy Animal Facts ---You Smile
Animals have many unique qualities that make them unique from other living creatures. They're found in many different habitats and have many different behaviors. Most animals are found in the wild, but some are kept in captivity to use for food, research and entertainment. Most animals have a lot of valuable information that humans can learn from.
Animals are used for many different purposes, from research to food. People use animals in laboratories to test products on; this is called animal testing. Some drugs and medicines are tested on animals first before being tested on humans. People also use animals as food- over 500 million animals are consumed every year. They're typically treated brutally before being consumed.
Most animals are territorial, which makes them easy to identify. They're very social and live in groups, so it's easy to tell which one is which by looking at their behavior. Some animals are solitary, but most are somewhere between these two extremes. Animals also have fixed periods of activity; for example, fish stay active 24 hours per day, while birds stay active only during the daytime.
Scientists have learned a lot from studying animals in the wild. They use this information to help human society by creating technology and treatments used by doctors. The government uses animal testing programs to create new laws and regulations that affect human society. We owe a lot to the pioneers who went out and studied organisms in the wild- now we have technology to allow us to push the bounds of human existence.
Actors, singers and other entertainers depend on getting paid to perform vaudeville acts for audiences. They rely on making people laugh with their animal impressions- which is tough considering most people don't know what an iguana or an elephant looks like! Animals communicate through a wide variety of means, from sound to body language. Many species use sounds to communicate; for example, whales make sounds that can travel thousands of miles before they hit land. Other species communicate through body language; this is especially common among insects where complex movements replace words.
Essentially every aspect of life was discovered thanks to studying the naturally occurring phenomena of animals. Without advanced technology, our quest for knowledge would be significantly hindered; countless lives would be put at risk if scientists were unable to create reliable test subjects using animals. Ultimately, mankind has learned much due to running tests on living creatures- and we've literally changed the course of history as a result!