Why Is My Cat Being Sick?
Why Is My Cat Being Sick?
Cats have become a beloved part of the human family. They are affectionate and loving pets that are enjoyed by people of all ages. People love cats so much that they create creativity and artful works such as literature and music. However, not all cats are as lucky as my tabby, Lucky. He enjoys human interaction, outdoor play and food in rich colors. He is part of our family, and we love him dearly.
One day while I was at work, my cat started to act unusual. He hid under the bed and refused to eat or drink water. This worried me because he's recently had a litter of kittens and was getting stronger every day. If he's ill, he could die from not eating or drinking enough. I quickly ran home to take care of him and give him a clean shot of water. After that, he vomited several times and then finally ate a little bit. I was so relieved when I saw how sick he was being cared for me.
To help my cat, I knew I needed to find out what's wrong with him so we can treat it. Luckily, Lucky is a healthy kitty with an excellent vet plan. The first thing we did was keep him hydrated by giving him lots at home and in the bathtub. After that, we gave him immediate relief from his symptoms with some Tylenol and Nycodene cold medicine tablets. We also gave him some canned pumpkin along with his kitty litter for extra goodness. We made sure his appetite was good by mixing canned cat food with minced boiled chicken, eggs and vegetables for flavor. After that, we gave him a little ginger tea in warm water to help digestion along with honey to relieve his cough. We also gave him some extra love by cuddling with him and playing with toys to keep his mind off his sickness.
My cat is part of the family so I care for him as much as if he were human- except I have more control over his health. I know what foods he likes, what medicines he should take and how much exercise he needs every day. I also make sure Lucky gets enough sleep at night by keeping his space clean and away from fleas and ticks. Plus, I make sure Lucky has plenty of fresh water and proper litterbox procedures every day. In return, Lucky protects our home by keeping bugs away from us while we sleep at night.
My cat is currently ill due to unknown causes that could threaten his life if not treated immediately. Fortunately, we were able to identify the problem and treat it quickly enough to preserve Lucky's health so far- but the sickness could come back at any time. I understand cats can be very independent when they're healthy, but they need their owners when they're sick- just like any other pet would in the same situation. Life is about balance; it's important to take care of yourself every day, but you also need time away from your responsibilities to recover from stressors you've endured every day of your life.