My cat sleeps all the time, is this normal, should I be worried?


My cat sleeps all the time, is this normal, should I be worried?

When you spend the week working and want to take advantage of the weekend to spend time with your cat, it can be frustrating to see that it spends its time sleeping. Does he sleep so much during the week, is this normal, is this a sign of poor health? All these questions can be answered by a simple observation: your cat is not human. We tend to humanize our animal friends, and it would be easy to think that our 7-8 hours of sleep is enough for all mammals. In fact, most cats sleep around 16 hours a day! This figure even tends to climb when it comes to a kitten or an old cat.

It is then easy to tell yourself that your cat is constantly sleeping. Because it's kinda true.
If your cat is actually sleeping more than usual, it could be a symptom of illness. Keep in mind that it is completely normal for a kitten to sleep more, their growth hormones act during sleep, so it is vital for them to sleep more often in order to develop well. Old cats also sleep more, it is a normal process that accompanies the aging of all beings on Earth. An old cat, just like a young cat, can sleep up to 18 hours a day.

As soon as you have the impression that your cat's sleep cycle is abnormal, you should contact your veterinarian, who can reassure you or detect a problem. If an increase in sleep time is noted, a simple examination, which you can do yourself, can point to an explanation. If you examine your pet's gums and notice that they are very pale, this could be a sign of anemia. Anemia is a fatal disease for cats, so it is, again, vital to seek professional advice!