There are many species that have become extinct over the last centuries, and there are many others that today are in danger of extinction, such as some species of wolves. There are a large number of wolf species in the world, but in this EcologรญaVerde article we will focus on the Mexican gray wolf or Canis lupus baileyi and it will be explained why it is in danger of extinction, since since 1976 it has been threatened and its population decreases every year. But what exactly is the current status of this species? Continue reading this interesting article if you want to discover why is the mexican gray wolf endangered and how can we help it.
Characteristics of the Mexican Gray Wolf
Physically the mexican gray wolf is small in size since it does not reach a meter and a half, being the smallest subspecies compared to the rest of the wolf subspecies found in North America. Another of the characteristics of the mexican gray wolf What stands out is the fur, since although its name indicates the gray color, in reality its fur is characterized by a color that ranges from yellowish brown to grayish brown.
The habitat of the Mexican gray wolf
The habitat of the Mexican gray wolf was distributed across North America. In concert, from the United States extending through the Sonoran Desert, Texas and central Arizona to Mexico, where it could be found mainly in areas of Chihuahua (north of the country), central and southern Mexico. The areas where they were distributed were characterized by having a mild weatherthis species being found in desert and semi-arid areas and also in forests. Thus, this species occupied a large territory that today is very small.
This species lives in herds with less than 12 members, made up of the female, the male, other adults, the young and the young. Hierarchical relationships exist within the pack, as only the alpha female and alpha male can mate. Each herd has its own territory marked with feces and urine, and they live together cooperating with each other in order to reduce energy expenditure. Are nocturnal and carnivorous animals.

Why is the Mexican gray wolf in danger of extinction?
There are many causes that have made the Mexican gray wolf in danger of extinction. And these causes are caused by the actions of the human being. In summary, we can highlight two reasons that respond to why are the mexican gray wolf endangered:
Mexican gray wolf hunting and movement to feed
The main cause that led the Mexican gray wolf to find itself in the state of “endangered” is due to the fact that both ranchers and authorities began a campaign to exterminate it. They hunted them indiscriminately and poisoned them to kill them in the area. The reason for this campaign was because the Mexican gray wolf was forced to move from its habitat due to lack of prey. The Mexican gray wolf fed on sheep, hares, rodents, deer, wild pigs, deer, etc., and the reduction of these species by illegal hunting or due to the fragmentation and destruction of the environment, it led the Mexican gray wolf to look for its food in cattle. The campaign had an effect, and In 1976, the Mexican gray wolf was declared an endangered species.since they had been totally eliminated in the wild.
Little genetic variability
Another cause should also be mentioned is the lack of genetic variability, that is to say, since there are few copies at the end, the remaining wolves end up reproducing among themselves, although they are all very close individuals genetically. As a consequence of these matings with such directly related genetics, a genetic inbreeding which is dangerous for new wolf specimens, since they can be born with recessive genetic diseases.
If you are interested in learning more about Mexican animals that are at risk of extinction or that are in the threatened category, you can take a look at this other article about 25 animals in danger of extinction in Mexico. Likewise, we also advise you to read this other post on Why the Iberian wolf is in danger of extinction and this other one about the Animals in greatest danger of extinction, among which is the Mexican gray wolf.
How to help the Mexican gray wolf – measures
Currently there are about 520 copies of the Mexican gray wolf, among which are 390 in captivity between Mexico and the United States. In addition, in the United States the figure of 100 specimens in the wild has been reached, while In Mexico there are only 30 wild Mexican gray wolves.
In the 1970s, a plan was born to recover the mexican gray wolf, carried out by the United States and Mexico. This plan consisted of breed wolves in captivity to later release them in the most favorable environment for their survival. To carry out this plan, different actions must be followed very strictly that both the population and the authorities have the obligation to comply with:
- Above all, the population must be educated and made to understand how important it is to preserve the species.
- Establish hunting laws that protect the Mexican gray wolf, as well as regulatory laws for the hunting of species that are prey to the wolf, since if these are reduced, the Mexican gray wolf moves to other places to find food.
- Conservation of the wolf habitat, to prevent its destruction and fragmentation.
- Follow a recovery in captivity with the conditions that the wolf needs to live.
- Follow a breeding strategy to combat inbreeding.
It was not until 2014 when the first specimen born in a wild environment is recorded, after the recovery plan began. It is a long road, but thanks to the efforts of those responsible for this recovery plan, the Mexican gray wolf may have a second chance. But also the rest of the population we have to become aware and take care of all the species that surround us, as well as their environment. Since when we accelerate or cause the extinction of species, in the end we are unbalancing the ecosystem in which they lived and we are also destroying the natural environment. Species interact with ecosystems, and if they are affected, ecosystems will also be affected, and vice versa.
To finish talking about the endangered mexican gray wolf and about what we can do to help this species, we want to recommend you to read this other EcologรญaVerde article on Why it is important to protect animals in danger of extinction and how to do it.

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