Uruguay is the second country, after Suriname, with less geographical extension in South America and, nevertheless, it has a great biological diversity. Unfortunately, the disappearance of species throughout the world is becoming more frequent and Uruguay is no exception. One of the main causes of this problem is related to the loss of habitat due to deforestation, mainly due to the advance of the agricultural-livestock frontier and urban growth.
Many of these endangered species are poorly understood. Would you like to know which ones are they? In this EcologรญaVerde article we show you 19 animals in danger of extinction in Uruguay and what we can do from our place to help them.
Darwin’s Toad
Darwin’s toad (Melanophryniscus montevidensis) is a small black amphibian. Is a endemic species of Uruguay and has a distribution restricted to the southern coasts. The main threats that endanger this species are related to urban growth and the fragmentation of its habitat.
We recommend you read about the Destruction of the environment and habitat: causes and consequences.

seven keeled turtle
The seven-keeled turtle, or also known as leatherback sea turtle (Dermochelys coriacea)is the world’s largest sea turtle. Their populations have suffered a drastic reduction mainly due to the fact that, due to their large size, they get caught in fishing nets and end up dying from drowning or injuries. Another cause is related to the ingestion of plastics that are in the sea, which can cause an obstruction in the digestive system causing death.
In this other article we talk more about the question about Is the leatherback sea turtle in danger of extinction?

pampas loica
The pampas loica (Sturnella defilippii) is a grassland-dwelling bird. Its original distribution has been drastically reduced due to the habitat loss and fragmentation by the advance of the agricultural-livestock frontier. Currently, it has been confined to two remnants: to the southwest of the province of Buenos Aires, in Argentina, and to the north of Uruguay.

yellow cardinal
The Yellow Cardinal (Gubernatrix cristata) it’s a endemic bird of South America which has its most important populations in the mountains of the coast of the Uruguay River.
Is a endangered species since it is captured and marketed illegally (because of its striking color and its song) and because its natural habitat has been intensely modified by humans.

leaden burrito
Another of the endangered animals in Uruguay is the leaden burrito (Porzana spiloptera), which is a bird recognized in few places because it is difficult to observe. In Uruguay we can find it in the south of the country since it lives in saline grasslands and floodplains. Their populations are threatened due to tourism development and the expansion of cities.

Image: Pinterest
grassland cat
Also know as Uruguayan pampas cat (Leopardus munoai), is a small feline that has long fur and pointed ears. This species is at risk of extinction since a high percentage of its habitat has been fragmented or has disappeared. The remaining habitat patches lack connectivity with each other, leaving this mammal completely at risk of extinction.

Image: The Daily
Tuco-tuco from Rio Negro
The tuco-tuco of Rio Negro (Ctenomys rionegrensis) is a species of rodent that has a restricted distribution and can only be found in the dunes that surround the Uruguay River. It is classified as a endangered species because its habitat is used for industrial afforestation and because its distribution covers few protected areas.

Image: Twitter National Parks
Giant otter
The giant otter big river wolf (Pteronura brasiliensis) It is a carnivorous and aquatic mammal. It inhabits rivers, streams and lagoons. Is a priority species for conservation in Uruguay since its distribution has been limited in several regions. This problem is due to multiple causes, such as fur trafficking, habitat destruction, pollution and poorly managed tourism.

Other animals in danger of extinction in Uruguay
Next, we invite you to know a list of other animals that are in danger of extinction in Uruguay:
- Creole Salmon (Brycon orbignyanus).
- Langone toad (Melanophryniscus langonei).
- striped frog (Dendropsophus minutus).
- Chaco dwarf frog (Dendropsophus nanus).
- Rattlesnake (Crotalus durissus terrificus).
- Royal Tern (Thalasseus maximus).
- Red Knot (Calidris canutus).
- big-headed plover (Oreopholus ruficollis).
- Franciscan (Pontoporia blainvillei).
- Pampas deer (Ozotoceros bezoarticus).
- Guazubirรก (Mazama gouazoubira).
Below you can see the photos of animals in danger of extinction in Uruguay that appear in this list and in the same order. In addition, we recommend you read these other posts about Flora and fauna of Uruguay and Native animals of Uruguay.

How to help the endangered animals of Uruguay
To collaborate with animals in danger of extinction in Uruguay We suggest you read the following recommendations:
- You can get involved in organizations related to the conservation of these species, either as a volunteer or through donations.
- You can make complaints to the corresponding institutions in the event that you observe irregularities (such as poaching).
- If you visit protected areas, be responsible and respectful of nature. Do not throw waste and do not feed the native fauna.
- Do not buy or capture wild animals as they are not pets, their possession is illegal and you would be promoting illegal wildlife trafficking.
- Stay informed and spread information that comes from reliable sources, since what is not known cannot be protected.
- Avoid consuming products that harm the environment.
To finish, here is a video about why it is important to protect animals in danger of extinction.
If you want to read more articles similar to Animals in danger of extinction in Uruguaywe recommend that you enter our category of Animals in danger of extinction.